Over the next 5 weeks we will taking part in Pori Drwy Stori, this is funded from the Welsh government through BookTrust Cymru.
I will be sending home a little pack containing a rhyme in English and Welsh and a rhyme calendar for you to keep and enjoy over and over with your child.
When we have finished the rhymes we are lucky to have book which we can explore through activities relating to the book, again you’ll get to keep the book.
There will be a nursery rhyme for you to learn with your child we will also be learning them in class. If you want to take photos or videos of you all having fun and send them to me on class dojo or seesaw and we can share them in class.
There is also a QR code that will play the rhyme for you too so don’t panic about knowing the tune.
This home school link will help your child to know rhymes, songs, enjoy sharing what they have learnt with you and us. They will talk more about books and enjoy listening to stories and retelling them to you.
Please can you complete and return the bottom of the rhyme every week to tell me if you enjoyed taking part.
You will have a new rhyme next Thursday.
January 2024
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back to Spring Term 2024!
Your child’s teacher is Mrs L Randell and the class LSA is Miss S Tewkesbury.
The school doors open at 8.50am and closes at 9.00am if you come late please report to the secretary’s office. We dismiss the children at 12.00pm.
This letter aims to give you a brief overview of what your child will be learning in Dosbarth Gwyrdd during this half term.
As a school we will be working on an ‘Humanities’ AoLE (Area of learning).
In Dosbarth Gwryrdd we will be learning ‘How are we different but equal?’.
We will compare where we live and other countries, how people live in different countries, what people look like, do they people speak the same as us?
Language, Literacy and Communication: We will be learning nursery rhymes and seasonal songs to be sang independently. We will be recognising their name. We will also be taking part in ‘The Big Welsh Rhyme Time’ and Pori Drwy Stori. Both encourage children to interact with stories and rhymes to enhance their language skills. When learning our songs we will also use some Makaton signs.
Counting to 10. Recognising numbers. Naming 2d shapes. Patterns. Colours. Matching, Size, Sorting.
We will be looking at where we live and comparing different countries. As we will celebrate the Chinese New Year.
Science & Technology/Science, ICT & DT:
Naming body parts. Learning to access ICT equipment independently.
Welsh: Fi a Fy Ffrindiau
We will use ‘Helpwr Heddiw’ to encourage the children to use Welsh during everyday activities. To be able to answer the register using ‘yma’. To use bore da and diolch/ddim diolch. Learning some Welsh songs.
Health and Well-being / PE & PSE:
We will be talking about eating healthy food. Cleaning our teeth and the importance of washing our hands. To be kind to others.
Dosbarth Gwyrdd will have a physical play morning every Friday. Please ensure your child is wearing comfortable clothing and suitable shoes.
Healthy School:
Please provide your child each day with a named bottle of water and a piece of fresh fruit as a snack for their break time clearly named in a box or plastic sandwich bag.
Homework will be put on SEESAW for you to access.
Please make sure you write your child’s name on everything, cardigan’s, jumper’s, coat’s, bag’s, and fruit boxes.
Please check Dojo regularly for class messages and photos. If you have any concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me by message on Dojo.
Thank you for your continued support,
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Randell
Welcome back to school for the 2023/2024 academic year!
Your child’s teacher is Mrs L Randell and the class LSA is Miss S Tewksbury.
The school doors open at 8.50am and closes at 9.00am if you come late please report to the secretary’s office. We dismiss at 12.00pm.
As a school we will be working on an ‘Science and Technology’ AoLE (Area of learning).
In Dosbarth Gwryrdd we will be learning all about ’Forces and Energy. During this time we will be looking at how we use our bodies to move every day? How do things work around us?
Language and Literacy:
We will be listening to stories linked to our theme and traditional stories. We will be learning nursery rhymes and seasonal songs to be sung independently. We will be learning to recognise our name.
Counting to 10. Recognising numbers. Naming 2d shapes. Patterns using colours, shapes.
We will be looking where we live, looking at the different houses people live in. Looking at what is in and around our village.
Science & Technology/Science, ICT & DT:
Naming body parts. Learning to access ICT equipment. Look at the different seasons.
Planting spring bulbs, plants and looking after them.
Welsh: Fi a Fy Ffrindiau
We will use ‘Helpwr Heddiw’ to encourage the children to use Welsh during everyday activities. To be able to answer the register using ‘yma’. To use bore da and diolch/ddim diolch. Learning some Welsh songs.
Health and well-being/PE & PSE:
We will be talking about eating healthy food. Cleaning our teeth and the importance of washing our hands. How and why we must be kind to others.
Dosbarth Gwyrdd will have a physical play morning every Friday. Please ensure your child is wearing comfortable clothing and suitable shoes.
Healthy School:
Please provide your child each day with a named bottle of water and a piece of fresh fruit as a snack for their break time clearly named in a box or plastic sandwich bag. NO GRAPES please.
Homework will be put on SEESAW for you to access.
Please make sure you write your child’s name on everything, cardigan’s, jumper’s, coat’s, bag’s, and fruit boxes.
Please check Dojo regularly for class messages and photos. If you have any concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me by message on Dojo.
Thank you for your continued support,
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Randell