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Dosbarth Porffor

 Welcome to Dosbarth Porffor- Reception.


 Your class teacher will be Mrs L. Martin. Miss K. Evans and Mrs. K. Rawlings will be the Teaching Assistants, each having a different role. Mrs A. Roberts-Morgan will cover in the class on a Thursday.


  As a school we will be working on a ‘Science and Technology’’ AoLE (Area of learning) during Autumn Term. In Dosbarth Porffor we will be learning all about the Environment and Forces’. During this time, the children will be finding out about their local environment and the importance forces have on their daily lives. The children will have opportunities to learn in the indoor and outdoor environments and thus appropriate clothing is necessary. We will be learning about force as a push or a pull. . They will be learning and exploring the ways in which forces can make things move, change their speed, or change their shape. They will explore with magnets, investigating indoors and outdoors to identify magnetic objects.

The children will be introduced and encouraged to use simple scientific language and will begin to explore, investigate and explain their findings within experiments. The children will be involved in using a variety of ICT equipment and explore a range of platforms. They will learn to take photos and videos and use Seesaw with some support to upload focused tasks.


Mathematics & Numeracy 

*Tasks and challenges that encourage problem solving and discussion.

*A mathematical rich environment, allowing them to explore and develop mathematical concepts.

* present work orally, pictorally and in written form, and use a variety of ways to represent collected data.

* Recite numbers to 20, forwards and backwards and from different starting points.

* Number rhymes and songs.

* Use 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins to pay for items.

*Combine two groups of objects to find ‘how many altogether?’


Language, Literacy & Communication

* Talk about their personal experiences and share information.

*Contribute to role play in the Garej Pontygwaith

*Retell familiar stories using Talk 4 writing/ story maps /writing opportunities.

*Guided Reading

*Read Write Inc.phonics/High frequency words

*Mark-making and writing in response to stories/rhymes

*Use of ICT -digital platforms

*Respond to the content of reading materials.

*Daily welsh activities-phrase of the week/incidental welsh commands/Helpwr Heddiw


Humanities-History / Geography / RE- We will be looking at ’Environment and Me’ . Developing the children’s knowledge of their local environment and the importance of forces which are all around us. What pushes/pulls do to help us?

Home/school links to include images of the use of pushes and pulls in the home. Seasonal celebrations of Harvest and Halloween and also how we observe forces through the Seasons. During our Religious Education sessions, we will be looking at manners, kindness, looking after our environment and how we treat others and the world we live in.


P.E. /Forest School Thursday will be our PE/Forest School Day. This will be taught by Mrs A. Roberts-Morgan.  PE and Forest Schools will take place on alternate weeks. You will be updated on what is taking place ach week. Your child will need jogging bottoms and a t-shirt and a hoodie if going outdoors. They will also need trainers. 


Healthy Schools – Please provide your child each day with a named bottle of water and a piece of fresh fruit (No Grapes) as a snack for break time. Please write your child’s name on their snack bag or container.



As part of our daily welsh, we have ‘Helper heddiw’ within class, this gives the children opportunity to develop their welsh oracy skills, by asking and answering simple welsh questions, whilst carrying out different roles, within class. We will be revising basic welsh commands, instructions and asking and answering simple questions. The children will also be learning alongside the characters ‘Fflic o FFlac’ and following their adventures and reading simple welsh stories together.


Homework arrangements - Reading books will be sent home weekly. Please could you listen to your child over the weekend and comment in their reading record book and send it back in on a Monday.

 Sounds and high frequency words will be sent home to reinforce literacy activities, so please can you support your child with reading.

Please help your child to explore with mark-making/writing at home and support them with the ability to write their name. 


Please could you make sure your child’s belongings are clearly labelled with their name. This is really important in helping them take care of their own things and preventing them from getting lost.


Thank you so much for your Support.


Mrs. Lana Martin.




Please remember to keep checking on the dojo, where it will be updated with activities the children have been carrying out. As well as dojo points for what the children have been doing in school. Helpwr heddiw, proud cloud, good work and trier of the week will be shared. 





